For Scientists: IXPE Users' Committee.

The purpose of the IUC is to help ensure that interests of General Observers (GOs) and other scientists who use IXPE data are served by the IXPE mission. The IUC serves as the primary means by which the IXPE user community can communicate with the IXPE Project and NASA Headquarters (HQ). The IUC will also assist the IXPE project prepare for future NASA Astrophysics Senior Reviews of Operating Missions.

The IUC shall review and provide findings with respect to these key areas:

  • data analysis software, proposal preparation tools, and user support,
  • data distribution issues,
  • calibration considerations and products,
  • planning for announcements, selection, and execution of GO programs,
  • balance of funding between GO observing and theory programs,
  • dissemination of IXPE science results through meetings and community outreach.

To submit an item for discussion at an IUC meeting, please click HERE for a form.

The IXPE Users' Committee (IUC) is currently made up of seven astrophysicists, two of whom are members of the IXPE prime mission science team (asterisked). Meetings are public and non-members may join in. IUC members are:
  • Eileen Meyer (chair), University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
  • Fabio Muleri, Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica), Italy
  • Tiziana Di Salvo, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy
  • Michael Nowak, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
  • Unatti Kashyap, Texas Tech University, USA
  • Herman Marshall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • George Younes, George Washington University, USA
Ex-officio members are:
  • Philip Kaaret, IXPE Principal Investigator (PI), NASA MSFC
  • Hashima Hasan, IXPE Program Scientist, NASA HQ
  • Paolo Soffitta, IXPE PI for Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), IAPS-INAF
  • Andrea Marinucci, ASI IXPE Project Scientist, ASI
  • Stephen L. Odell, IXPE Deputy PI, NASA MSFC
  • Steven R. Ehlert, IXPE Project Scientist, NASA MSFC
  • Amy L. Walden, IXPE Project Manager, NASA MSFC
  • Allyn F. Tennant, IXPE Science Operations Center Lead, NASA MSFC
  • Kavitha Arur, IXPE General Observer Facility Lead, NASA GSFC
  • Douglas A. Swartz, IXPE General Observer Lead, NASA MSFC

Link to: IUC Documents

+ NASA Privacy, Security, Notices | Last Updated: March 24, 2025 | Author/Curator: Mitzi Adams, mitzi.adams @