For Scientists: Technical Information.
These pages are intended for scientists interested in IXPE data, but others are welcome to browse. You will find links to detailed documentation, web based tools, and IXPE-related papers and presentations.
Infomation about the mission
- Useful documentation: Documentation
- The Long-Term Plan: Plan
- The weekly schedule: Weekly
- The as run target list: As Run Target List
- The IXPE Users' Committee Users' Committee
- ToO -- To submit a Target of Opportunity request to IXPE.
- WebPIMMS -- Determine polarization sensitivity and count rates for IXPE. Updated to include the "gray" filter.
- Viewing (at HEASARC) -- Determine if target can be viewed by IXPE.
- Some IXPE Science team papers: Papers
- Science Team presentations: Presentations
- Presentation Templates: Templates